What is Fotographer.online ?

Fotographer.online is a web-based photo and video sharing app, exclusively designed for your own private communities.

How much does Fotographer.online costs ?

Fotographer.com is a subscriptions services. With an annual price of $19.95 you can create your own virtual villages and allow others to follow and/or listen to you; along with your friends, and loved ones; etc.

Is there any software to install ?

Nope ! Fotographer.online is strictly S-a-a-S (“Software-as-a-Service”). There’s no updates or any eating of your precious mobile storage.

I’m a media/professional photographer and I need lots of cloud storage for large hi-res files. Can Fotographer.online help ?

Of course ! We’re not simply a new kind of social media platform. We’re also a visual storage cloud platform. With each subscription you’ll receive 10 GB of free storage and for the monster/party animal in you, we offer 10 TB of cloud storage for $99.00 a year.

Does Fotographer.online offers photo and video filters ?

Absolutely ! We currently offer 1,000 different filters for your every mood and occassion. We’re even open to custom orders just for your special events or occasion.

Does Fotographer.online offer 2-Step Verification ?

You bet ! We have partnered with Authy for 2FA encryption security solutions.

Is Fotographer.online kid and family friendly ?

Yes ! Families are an important aspect of our core business and help protect families by choosing rating systems which limit inappropieate or unpleasant content from our community.

Does Fotographer.online accept BitCoins ?

Yes ! As a technology company we’re future-proof and fully supportive of technologist, hackers, and hobbyist seeking to practice with virtual currencies.

What happens if your servers are hacked and all my pictures and/or videos are lost or destroyed ?

Nothing ! Our servers are fully encrypted and backed for security.


Does Fotographer.online offer protection against unauthorized purchases or credit card fraud ?

Absolutely ! Fotographer.online protect your payment systems by authorizing your purchases with notification alerts and/or text alerts to your mobile devices. Should a bad actor exploit any vulnerabilities unbeknownst to our engineers, we’ll quickly refund your monetary loss and reward you and your immediate family with a free cruise.

Is my personal and/or family’s  biometric loggin data secure ?

Yes ! We encrypt your biometric data. Even we can’t access it. It’s yours and you control it should you wish to use this additional security feature.

Are virtual live feeds safe ?

Yes & No ! Virtual live feeds are not recommended when operating motor vehicles or if the user has a history suffering epileptic seizures as well as other photographic induced personal medical ailments. Please consult with your physician prior to use of our service and it’s enhanced features.


Do I own my avatar ?

Yes ! Your avatars are your creations and your exclusive properly but only for the exclusive use of the service.

Why is your brand/company/service better than those others, more famous services ? Why should you spend time with us ?

Fair questions ! We are focused on a web-based end-user experience. Your memories will never be forgotten and your security is paramount. There’s no fear of using your mobile device’s internal or external storage, which saves you money; since you don’t have to buy a larger SD Card or a fancier smartphone. We’re on the Web and we’re live 24/7 in every country in the world at once.

Can i use the VR features of my smartphone’s app ?

No, sorry ! Currently we’re a web-based company but we’re working on a plug-in for your PC, Mac and/or mobile device. Stay tuned !

If I don’t complete the annual subscription cycle and choose to cancel for my subscription for any reason; can I get the remainer of my time or at least a portion of my fee returned ?

No ! Once a subscription has been purchased, it’s been purchased and only can be refunded before the 90-day initial day at the 11:59 PM mark.

My question and/or concerns aren’t addressed by out FAQ’s and I need to kick down your door and make myself a little louder regarding my disatifaction.

Okay ! Well, every needs a contruction path to channel their energy; right ? Shoot us a line at complaints@fotographer.online and if you help improve our company and our service, we promise to treat you to surprise a present.
